The Faster, Smarter, Easier Way
to Source, Screen, and Hire
Add a job in HireBeat and we’ll blast it out to ZipRecruiter and hundreds of job boards.
If you don’t get the applicants you need, simply turn on Programmatic Job Advertising and click one button to get a sourced list of 25-30 potential candidates.
All candidates, no matter how they came to you, will be in one dashboard where our AI Resume Analysis will help you quickly focus on the top talent.
Invite top candidates to answer questions using our built in video interview tool that replaces old school phone screening.
Invite colleagues to review resumes and the video interviews. They can enter notes and give a thumbs up or thumbs down.
Track live interviews for those candidates that fit your job’s requirements.
Tada! You’ll have a short list, complete with notes from colleagues, and you can make your final hiring decision.

Convenient Talent
Broadcast open positions to various job sites with one click. Say goodbye to multi-account decentralized management.
HireBeat’s AI Sourcing tool will find 25-30 top potential candidates based on your job requirements.
Centralized candidate management means that no matter where you advertise or share the job description, you can track your talent pipeline in one place.

Efficient Resume
Automatic resume screening filters out resumes that do not meet the requirements to improve the efficiency of resume screening.
Accurate resume parsing helps to obtain candidate information and highlight the matching skill sets accurately.
AI-Powered evaluation provides a suggested job fit score to facilitate your decision-making.
No More Phone Screening: Introducing HireBeat Video
Avoid scheduling hassles with on-demand video interview screening, saving time for you, your team, and your applicants.
The question bank allows you to quickly configure interview questions and evaluate candidates based on your needs.
Involve stakeholders easily. Colleagues can review candidates and share evaluations. Hiring Managers can make decisions at any time.

Data-Driven Reporting and Decision-Making
Track and measure your recruiting activities, know your successes and improvements.
AI-powered screening helps to speed up the evaluation and decision-making process.
One-click reporting on EEOC and OFCCP data.