Attract Talent with Smart
Job Distribution
Save time finding candidates and let HireBeat post your job description and application link for you.

Product details
Broadcast Open Positions to Various Job Sites with One Click
No need to sign up for dozens of job boards – we help you market your job posting to millions of candidates. When you publish a new opening, HireBeat automatically posts it to over 200 job boards so it appears everywhere people search for jobs.
Reach top talent on the top job sites, including Google, ZipRecruiter, and more. Say goodbye to multi-account decentralized management.

Manage All Job Applications in One Place
Welcome to the world’s easiest hiring management pipeline! Say goodbye to email inboxes with 400 applications to sift through. HireBeat gives you one organized list of job applicants. No matter where they’re coming from, candidate for each open role are all in one place and easy to manage.
By the way, it may be the world’s easiest applicant tracking tool, but it’s also uniquely powerful. The first step in that pipeline is our automated pre-screening: we’ll filter out job applicants who don’t meet your minimum qualifications so you don’t waste your time.
Easy Social Sharing
Share job postings to your social media accounts with just one click. Send the same link to your high school friends, post it to your neighborhood group chat, and put it in your email signature.
Your own social channels are a perfect driver of new candidates, so make sure to make use of them with HireBeat’s easy sharing.
All Job Boards, One Application
When job boards ask how candidates should apply, simply paste your HireBeat link.
There are thousands of job boards that cater to all types of diverse talent, but your one link will make sure every candidate’s job application enters your hiring pipeline the right way.